Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Bill HR 875 – Determine for Yourself

Posted in Uncategorized on 04/02/2009 by magnoliadiva

Here is another myth vs fact article that I would suggest reading, too.


The U.S. house and senate are about to vote (in a week and a half) on a law that will OUTLAW ORGANIC FARMING!! Main backer is (of course) Monsanto chemical and engineering giant corporation. This bill will require organic farms to use specific fertilizers and POISONOUS insect sprays dictated by the newly formed agency to “make sure there is no danger to the public food supply”. This will include back yard gardens that grow food only for family use. If this passes. no more heirloom clean seeds but only Monsanto genetically altered seeds that are now showing up with UNEXPECTED DISEASES in humans. There is an enormous rush to get this into law within the next two weeks before the people realize what’s happening. The insane bill is called “Food Safety and Modernization Act (Bill HR 875) Call Congressman Tom McClintock’s office and tell them (politely)
you’d like to vote NO on this bill. To make it easy for you, here’s the numbers:

Washington 202-225-2511
California 916-786-5560

If they don’t ask, give them your name and city you are calling from. It’s really easy and will only take a few minutes. If you care at all about our rights to eat foods WITHOUT CANCER CAUSING CHEMICALS in them call right now!! And PASS THIS ON to your ENTIRE email list!!

Here’s a bit about Monsanto:

Here’s a couple videos on the subject:

The House and Senate WILL pass this if they are not MASSIVELY
threatened with the loss of their position….
Their only fear is your voice and your vote! CALL THEM!!!

This website has a petition you can sign online to show your opposition to the bill:

Get Off My Dime!!

Posted in Uncategorized on 02/11/2009 by magnoliadiva


So, I am pretty ticked that the Octo-Mom/Baby Factory out in California is on welfare. Yes, I said it! I am TICKED that her and her kids are getting government assistance and have been for a while. Government assistance is for TEMPORARY MEANS, not a lifestyle! She’s getting $300K from the Today Show and how much other money from other places.

Three words for Miss Baby Factory: GET A JOB and stop having babies to cure your own selfish antics/thoughts!!! Oh, that’s right, you have 14 kids and SOMEBODY would have to care for them while you are at work and that costs money. So, instead, you keep suing everyone, getting money and living off of MY dime! YES, MY DIME!!! See, as a tax payer, part of MY money goes to support government programs, like WELFARE, which is meant as TEMPORARY MEANS, not a permanent stay. So, um we’ll let you slide for a few months, but from the looks of your situation, you will be on it longer than expected (which you’ve already been on it).

I work and have busted my tail in school and working, but Miss Baby Factory decidesĀ  she had a messed up childhood as an only child and decides to have a gazillion babies via IVF! You live in FLITH (we saw pictures of the house) and you have NO JOB! You are supported off of government assistance and settlement money and your mother (God bless her) is financially supporting you and all of your kids.

Get mental help, tie your tubes up and give those children the life they DESERVE and not via your selfishness.

Off the soapbox………for now…………

FAN UP! Geaux, Hornets!

Posted in Uncategorized on 04/30/2008 by magnoliadiva

Do You Think We Can? I DO!! YES WE CAN!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on 02/07/2008 by magnoliadiva

You Can "Lunch" On Costco, If You Want To

Posted in Uncategorized on 11/25/2007 by magnoliadiva

I have a few friends that aren’t fans of “big box” stores. I, for one, don’t support nor shop at WalMart or Sams. I am becoming a very social conscious consumer. I don’t like WalMart’s practices. I don’t like in where they purchase their items, how they treat their employees, on top of the fact that EVERY TIME I USED to go there looking for something, it was always out of stock. BOOOOOOOOOOO!

WalMart has always “bullied” their vendors into giving them (WalMart, that is) rock bottom prices and stellar services. Hey, I am not mad at their business skills, but at some point, you’ve got to think about HOW you treat people. Money or not. It is so bad that now companies are saying NO to WalMart, too (read here).

They also keep A GREAT majority of their work force at part-time so they won’t have to offer and pay for health benefits.

Enough about them, I LOVE Costco. I don’t like it when it’s crowded, though. You have to know when to go, but I LOVE their selection of EVERYTHING (food, electronics, etc.). They even have my hard-to-find snacks at a lower cost.

Hold on to your horses and brace yourself for this…..I am a woman and I HATE shopping. Yes, you heard that right. I’d rather go in with a list, get what I have to get and be gone. I drive my girlfriends CRAZY with that because they will “shop til they drop” and I’ll be sitting in the front of the store, waiting for them to come out. I just don’t like it. I’d rather spend my time doing something else. Now, I will get on the web, click a few times and be done. Shoot, if Costco offered everything in the store on the web and all (not some, but ALL) the grocery stores delivered, heck I’d probably NEVER leave the house to shop!

Now, “big box” stores have, historically, been known to have 90% of their consumers be a part of the “non-elite” shopper. NOT…… I know differently. I see the clientelle at the Costco in Maryland and Virginia. I came across a great article today in the NY Times that speaks to just that.

Little secret….I love their hot dog (um, this would be a REAL Franks hot dog) and a coke for $1.50! Not the healthiest thing in the world, but every once in a while.

So, ya’ll can “lunch” on Costco if you like…..this is the perfect time of year to hit them up, especially if you entertain. Happy Costco-ing!

bliss softening socks

Posted in Uncategorized on 11/23/2007 by magnoliadiva
bliss softening socks

So, some of you know that I had foot surgery back in the summer. Well, the doctor visits and physical therapy are all over now (YIPEE)!!!


The feet, during this whole, um……..healing process…….were left in a “less than flattering” condition. I mean, I am using Vitamin E oil on the scar, but the rest of the foot…….

Well, I found the Bliss softening socks and foot cream…….I am in love. SERIOUSLY!! My feet feel like a baby’s butt!! NO KIDDING!!! These things are GREAT! My feet look BETTER than they did before the surgery (well, the surgery helped, too). You can get the socks and cream at beauty product insanity store, Sephora.

Here’s to SMOOTH feet….

Smooches!! (via hautemommastuff)

Happy Thanksgiving

Posted in Uncategorized on 11/22/2007 by magnoliadiva

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

What am I doing? HECK, what I do EVERY Thanksgiving morning, since I was a little girl, watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade (okay, I overslept a bit this morning, but I am catching up now…….gotta love TIVO)!


Posted in Uncategorized on 11/21/2007 by magnoliadiva

So, I get this email from a listserv that I am on:

No Angel For Eddie
Last week Mel B and Eddie Murphy’s lawyers met in an LA courtroom to work out child support and visitation rights for their daughter, Angel Iris Murphy. Mel was planning to take Angel to the courthouse to meet Eddie for the first time and was disappointed that he chose not to make a personal appearance and downright furious when the case had to be adjourned for 3 months because Eddie refused to submit a support offer. However, he and his lawyers made one thing abundantly clear. There will be no visitation…PERIOD. Eddie does not want to see Angel..ever.

So then there are comments floating all over the web about, “Oh, how could Eddie do this” and “She framed him!” and “What if she lied to him and he told her he never wanted another baby” and “He is just trife”….yadda yadda yadda…..

We can ALL sit back and look at this with whatever eye we want to, but, again, WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE?!

My opinion? Let’s be clear a few things:

Now, I have thought from DAY ONE that, if this was Eddie’s child, Eddie was a chump for bailing out and not claiming this child. Point #1: If he never wanted another child, he should have never slept with her, PERIOD!! No ifs, ands, buts, huhs, or whatever else!

Point #2: Ms. Tracey Edmonds………WHY would you want to be with a man that won’t even claim his own child……..

Point #3: Whether Mel B. “framed” him or not, WE ALL know the possible outcomes when a person sleeps with someone, protected or not. If a person is not ready to handle ALL possible consequences when you sleep with someone (disease, pregnancy, sickness, etc.), GET UP and MOVE ABOUT YOUR DAY……..FOR REAL!

Let’s be real, people. I am sick and tired of men saying, “She said she was on XXXXX” and/or the woman saying, “I don’t know what happened……..”. As ADULTS, this is part of life. Everything you do has a number of possible outcomes. If you can’t handle that ).000001% chance, don’t do it………..geez…….

It really is THAT SIMPLE.

Pick A Candidate

Posted in Uncategorized on 11/14/2007 by magnoliadiva

<iframe src="
race_id=13&tpl=template_embed” width=”400″ height=”300″ scrolling=”yes” frameborder=”0″> Your Web browser software doesn’t support frames, but you can visit Select A Candidateā„¢ at

Overfishing Affects Tokyo’s Tuna Supply

Posted in Uncategorized on 11/14/2007 by magnoliadiva

Okay, I’ve babbled once before about fish and how we should choose the fish we eat. This story caught my eye this morning……..take a peek.