Archive for the Security Category

Browswer Bookmarks In Several Places?

Posted in add-in, Computer, Firefox, Security on 08/12/2008 by magnoliadiva

Ever bookmarked a URL at home and forgot what is was and wanted to pull it up somewhere OTHER than your home computer? If you use Firefox as a browser (as most of us techies recommend you do), there is a solution that ROCKS! It’s called Foxmarks. It is an add-on to Firefox that allows you to sync your bookmarks across multiple computers. How cool is that?!

For the web-surfing, net-loving, always-tech-learning, gadget-googling, nerds like myself, this is a FAB feature! Makes life VERY easy for me….. I like when life is easy (who doesn’t?!).

Computer Worm Warning

Posted in Computer, geek, Security, Virus, Worm on 08/06/2008 by magnoliadiva

No, I am not talking about the icky things we used to dig up for fishing bait. This is a computer worm.

The FBI has sent out a warning about a new computer worm. Microsoft Windows users, heads up!