Archive for the money Category

I Want My REFUND!!!

Posted in AIG, Bailout, Congress, finance, foolishness, money on 10/07/2008 by magnoliadiva

I am going to have to come back to this because this is just ……..

Just read it….

After Bailout, AIG Executives Head to Resort

Speechless in the DMV

Posted in Extreme Makeover, finance, house, money on 07/29/2008 by magnoliadiva

So, Extreme Makeover gives you a house, free and clear. You take out a loan against the house, that folks worked HARD with their time, talent and money on the house.

You default on the loan and now the home is up for foreclosure.

How would YOU feel if you volunteered/gave of the above for this home?

Me? I’d be knocking on the door asking for explainations…..

25 Rules to Grow Rich By

Posted in finance, investments, money, retirement, stocks on 04/01/2007 by magnoliadiva

Here is a direct link to the article per article (great rules, by the way):