Archive for the job Category

Stress and it’s effects on your body……

Posted in health, job, stress, women on 03/11/2007 by magnoliadiva

I am posting this because I tend to hold things in when they bother me. No, I don’t feel like I am SUPERWOMAN, but I don’t like “bothering” others with my issues. Well, for the last week, I’ve had acid reflux, off and on (feels just it did when I had to take prednisone off and on for a year and half). Last night, I couldn’t get to sleep until 4am (yeah, you read that right…I literally was up for 23 straight hours)…

When I finally feel asleep, I slept for about 6 hours. My head starting hurting early afternoon and the acid reflux came back.

I didn’t eat anything this morning because I was just not hungry (I know that isn’t good, but I didn’t have an appetite). Well, I am trying to figure out if it’s stress. I was a little burned out late this week at work due to some longer than normal hours and amounts of work, but I didn’t think that it was that major!

I need to go walking on the treadmill and clear my head…. time to kick on the IPOD music and get to walking……….

Here are is an article I pulled from the web about stress. From

How does stress affect my body and my health?

Everyone has stress. We have short-term stress, like getting lost while driving or missing the bus. Even everyday events, such as planning a meal or making time for errands, can be stressful. This kind of stress can make us feel worried or anxious.

Other times, we face long-term stress, such as racial discrimination, a life-threatening illness, or divorce. These stressful events also affect your health on many levels. Long-term stress is real and can increase your risk for some health problems, like depression.

Both short and long-term stress can have effects on your body. Research is starting to show the serious effects of stress on our bodies. Stress triggers changes in our bodies and makes us more likely to get sick. It can also make problems we already have worse. It can play a part in these problems:

* trouble sleeping <———– hmmmm
* headaches <———– hmmmm
* constipation
* diarrhea
* irritability
* lack of energy
* lack of concentration <———– hmmmm
* eating too much or not at all <———– hmmmm
* anger
* stomach cramping
* stomach bloating
* depression
* anxiety
* weight gain or loss
* heart problems
* high blood pressure
* irritable bowel syndrome <———– hmmmm
* diabetes
* neck and/or back pain