Archive for the Gingrich Category

The use of the word GHETTO

Posted in Gingrich on 04/01/2007 by magnoliadiva

Okay, I am sick and tired of folks who have never stepped ONE FOOT into a “ghetto” using the word as if it describes something! Well, ya’ll boy Newt Gingrich did it on yesterday. Here’s the story.

Gingrich stated “The American people believe English should be the official language of the government. … We should replace bilingual education with immersion in English so people learn the common language of the country and they learn the language of prosperity, not the language of living in a ghetto,”.

Bruh, how does bilingual education equate with a language of living in a ghetto? I didn’t realize that there was a language of living in a ghetto. NOTE: If there is such a language, would you have someone who knows it get in touch with me? Thanks. English is the official language of the US and I think that EVERYONE who plans on living here should learn how to use it properly to function.

What Gingrich fails to realize is MOST European and Asian countries teach their children 3-4 languages IN ADDITION to that country’s native language, at an early age. I WISH that were the case here in America.

Gingrich, Gingrich, Gingrich…watch your choice of words. I get your point, but that little “side bar” of meanless, ignorant info was just another reason why you are on my “IG-NO-RA-MOOSE” list.