Archive for the finance Category

I Want My REFUND!!!

Posted in AIG, Bailout, Congress, finance, foolishness, money on 10/07/2008 by magnoliadiva

I am going to have to come back to this because this is just ……..

Just read it….

After Bailout, AIG Executives Head to Resort

Is Now The Time To Buy?

Posted in finance, foreclosure, house, loans on 08/04/2008 by magnoliadiva

There were/are 1.5 MILLION loans that have to adjust in 2008. All of them aren’t perfect-credit/can-get-refinanced people either. We haven’t even seen the half of what this economy is about to do.

” The first wave of Americans to default on their home mortgages appears to be cresting, but a second, far larger one is quickly building.

Homeowners with good credit are falling behind on their payments in growing numbers, even as the problems with mortgages made to people with weak, or subprime, credit are showing their first, tentative signs of leveling off after two years of spiraling defaults” [New York Times]

If you are just dying to get into a home, great….go for it. If you are looking to have EQUITY increase in the house you want to buy, RIGHT NOW, now is not the time because values will continue to decrease as these loans adjust and people foreclose.

On top of that, folks are using their credit cards like MAD for what used to be basic purchases and are not paying the balance off every month.

So, to answer your question of whether this is a good time to buy? In my opinion? Um, NO! I’ve been saying this ALL YEAR!!

Here we go…

Here we go, again…

Speechless in the DMV

Posted in Extreme Makeover, finance, house, money on 07/29/2008 by magnoliadiva

So, Extreme Makeover gives you a house, free and clear. You take out a loan against the house, that folks worked HARD with their time, talent and money on the house.

You default on the loan and now the home is up for foreclosure.

How would YOU feel if you volunteered/gave of the above for this home?

Me? I’d be knocking on the door asking for explainations…..

Man Up the Money, Honey!

Posted in children, day care, finance, will on 12/10/2007 by magnoliadiva

Just IN CASE you thought you were ready for the little ones (emotionally, mentally, FINANCIALLY, etc.)…. here is a great article for your reading…

25 Rules to Grow Rich By

Posted in finance, investments, money, retirement, stocks on 04/01/2007 by magnoliadiva

Here is a direct link to the article per article (great rules, by the way):

Shopped at TJ Maxx and Marshall’s lately with a credit card?

Posted in credit cards, finance, identity theft, Marshalls, TJ Maxx on 03/29/2007 by magnoliadiva

Computer breach hits 45.7M T.J. Maxx customer credit accounts
In a minute, we’ll all be using our fingerprints as ID. Then, again, I am sure someone will find a way to copy it! Geez……..