Archive for the dentist Category

I LOVE my new dentist!

Posted in dentist, medspa, spa, teeth on 08/17/2007 by magnoliadiva

So, I am able to do SOME driving, but very little. I drove myself to the dentist today. See, I’ve had a few horror stories with dentists since I moved to the area. Long story short, THEY ALL tried to get me for MORE MONEY. Mind you, this is coming from the person with her FIRST, SMALL cavity in her LIFE 4 years ago and who brushes and FLOSSES, EVERY DAY!!! So, what could you POSSIBLY be asking me to pay for?! My teeth are not jacked up!

Well, I went to a new dentist today, Dr. Alex Naini. I’m hooked. I LOVE HER! This was the most THOROUGH dental cleaning and set of x-rays I’ve ever had. AND, the x-rays were processed to view on the COMPUTER, not waiting on x-ray film to process. There were also pictures taken of my teeth with this toothbrush-looking thing and they were SO CLEAR! WOW! I saw so much detail of my teeth! It was GREAT.

Oh, here is the kicker……..I was given a paraffin wax treatment for my hands while the x-rays were being done AND a light neck, head and shoulder massage before my cleaning. Can you say, HEAVEN?! The staff was SO cordial and professional.

So, if you live in the DC/MD/Northern VA area, give Dr. Naini a try.