Archive for the crow Category

Lewis "Scooter" Libby and His Commuted Sentence

Posted in Bush, cowboy, crow, dummy, Lewis "Scooter" Libby on 07/03/2007 by magnoliadiva

I said the minute he was sentenced that Scooter would never serve ONE DAY of his sentence…… where are those folks I was having this discussion with……I wanna know how they want their crow served to them (fried, etc.)……..

Once, again, Bush has shown that he is going to do what he dang well pleases as the President…..boy, boy, boy….

This decision was a COMPLETE slap in the face to the justice system, the prosecuting attorneys AND the appellate judges and courts!

Since Bush is in the mood for wiping folks sentences away, I got a few debts I’d like him the pay off (student loans, auto loan, etc.), since it’s that easy! GEEZ!

I know, I know….the conviction still stands and he has to pay fines and yadda yadda…..blah blah blah…. the man walks FREE and NEVER has to serve ONE DAY and you can BET that his fine money is NOT coming out of his own pocket! BELIEVE THAT!!!

Scooter has just been initiated to the “Cosa Nostra” of the Republican party and Bush’s good ole’ boys!

Story links:

All time favorite: Scooter Is Lucky He Isn’t Black


