Archive for the babies Category

Parent – Child Relationship II

Posted in academics, babies, family on 01/31/2009 by magnoliadiva

So, I posted this story/rant earlier this month. Well, I’ll be danged if something else didn’t come up to make me go, HUH?!

I am so old school, but I think kids <—- (you are under the age of 21, you have NO REAL FULL-TIME job with benefits, stay with someone (i.e., parent, aunt, grandfather, etc.), and are most likely, still in school somewhere) these days just are exposed to too much sexuality in videos, games, ASSOCIATES, etc. My bet is some of this fast-tail girls have done this routine for some ole’ tack-head BOY already, for attention and God knows what else….

I can’t believe this show wasn’t stopped by an adult…..

If EVER there was a time for mentoring kids and teenagers is now!

Okay, so I am posting cause I’m TICKED!!!

Posted in babies, crazy, parents, safehaven on 07/30/2007 by magnoliadiva

Will someone PLEASE help me understand what goes through the mind of these sick people who do these sort of things to innocent children???!!!

I mean, really……..children don’t ASK to be brought into this world. If you decide that you are going to bring a child in this world (um, don’t gimme that accident crap, either), YOU and the other party (i.e., the biological mother and father) are officially RESPONSIBLE for the welfare of that child!! Don’t go dumping children in garbage bags, trash cans, shaking them to death, etc., because YOUR irresponsible and selfish butt decides that you no longer want the child. There are programs in place that allow you to give up the child with no questions asked.

I have friends that can’t have kids and here these crazy people are killing them. Those folks doing that to those kids need to be tarred and feathered and then set out in the wilderness to survive ALONE. Dang fools…. HUMPH…….