Archive for the Alexandria Category

Senator Obama’s Town Hall Meeting in Alexandria, VA

Posted in Alexandria, Barack, Remember The Titans, Senator Obama, VOTE on 02/11/2008 by magnoliadiva

POWERFUL speech and VERY good questions asked from the audience. He did an excellent job answering all of them, too.

This is the FIRST TIME in my life that, when I go to the polls, I won’t feel like I am voting between the lesser of two evils. I OPENLY and WHOLE-HEARTEDLY support Senator Obama. This is also, the FIRST TIME that I’ve ever donated money to ANY campaign as well as served as a volunteer (canvassing neighborhoods, phone banks, etc.).

Senator Obama’s Town Hall in Alexandria <——- link to view pictures

The Town Hall Meeting took place at the historic T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia. NOTE: THE REAL Coach Boone was in attendance, too! He came up from Florida! WHOO HOO!!!

There were A LOT more pictures, but I just posted a handful….

4700 people in attendance.

In line at 1030 and the line was already down the street. An hour later, the line LOOPED on King Street and then went EAST waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down King Street. WONDERFUL site!

The crowd was VERY diverse, which I knew was going to happen. I’d wish the MEDIA would stop saying crap like, “Oh, he’ll win XXXXX because there is a heavy african-american population.” Well, MEDIA, explain to me how he CARRIED (in the political sense as well as the DC/MD slang sense) ALL of those mid-western states (Nebraska, Iowa, etc.) as well as others where the black population is slim??? KILL THE NOISE!

Attention All Mount Vernon High School Fans – Alexandria

Posted in Alexandria, Fox5DC, Mount Vernon on 08/30/2007 by magnoliadiva

Attention All Mount Vernon Fans!!

Friday night’s T.C. Williams vs. Mount Vernon football game is up for consideration for this week’s Fox 5 Game of the Week, and you can help us get selected.

All you have to do is go to the Fox 5 website at, click on SPORTS, and then High School Game of the Week and vote.

If Mt. Vernon is selected, Fox 5 will bring a camera crew to the game to the campus to interview coaches and players, and tape highlights of the game and the band and cheerleaders. Voting ends Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. The game that receives the most votes will be announced on Fox 5 News at Midday on Thursday at 11a.m.

So, go ahead and vote. Thanks for your support!