Get Off My Dime!!


So, I am pretty ticked that the Octo-Mom/Baby Factory out in California is on welfare. Yes, I said it! I am TICKED that her and her kids are getting government assistance and have been for a while. Government assistance is for TEMPORARY MEANS, not a lifestyle! She’s getting $300K from the Today Show and how much other money from other places.

Three words for Miss Baby Factory: GET A JOB and stop having babies to cure your own selfish antics/thoughts!!! Oh, that’s right, you have 14 kids and SOMEBODY would have to care for them while you are at work and that costs money. So, instead, you keep suing everyone, getting money and living off of MY dime! YES, MY DIME!!! See, as a tax payer, part of MY money goes to support government programs, like WELFARE, which is meant as TEMPORARY MEANS, not a permanent stay. So, um we’ll let you slide for a few months, but from the looks of your situation, you will be on it longer than expected (which you’ve already been on it).

I work and have busted my tail in school and working, but Miss Baby Factory decides  she had a messed up childhood as an only child and decides to have a gazillion babies via IVF! You live in FLITH (we saw pictures of the house) and you have NO JOB! You are supported off of government assistance and settlement money and your mother (God bless her) is financially supporting you and all of your kids.

Get mental help, tie your tubes up and give those children the life they DESERVE and not via your selfishness.

Off the soapbox………for now…………

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