Parent – Child Relationship II

So, I posted this story/rant earlier this month. Well, I’ll be danged if something else didn’t come up to make me go, HUH?!

I am so old school, but I think kids <—- (you are under the age of 21, you have NO REAL FULL-TIME job with benefits, stay with someone (i.e., parent, aunt, grandfather, etc.), and are most likely, still in school somewhere) these days just are exposed to too much sexuality in videos, games, ASSOCIATES, etc. My bet is some of this fast-tail girls have done this routine for some ole’ tack-head BOY already, for attention and God knows what else….

I can’t believe this show wasn’t stopped by an adult…..

If EVER there was a time for mentoring kids and teenagers is now!

One Response to “Parent – Child Relationship II”

  1. My first response to this entry was a blank. I wonder what kids were doing in the days of Josephine Baker. Not to take away from her accomplishments as a true artist. But, I don’t remember her dances being mimicked by the children of her day. At least, not for public consumption. You heard about the famous ‘banana dance’; but dare not have children performing it. My hubby and I have said for a long time, the moral fabric of our day is seriously damaged from the ‘give-it-to-me-now’ and ‘whynot’ way of thinking.

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