Parent – Child Relationship

Growing up in our house, there was never a question of who was the parent and who were the children. None of this “let’s all be friends and talk to our parents like we would our peers”. Don’t get me wrong, I thought my parents were some devil-sent people who wouldn’t let me have my way, until I got in high school. Then, I guess I started growing up and realizing that our parents are PEOPLE that we can go to with our troubles for their opinions, chew the fat or whatever.

When the Columbine High School incident occurred, it was a sad day. BUT, I often say that something like that would have NEVER happened in our house for several reasons:

  1. We could never be in our bedrooms with our doors closed UNLESS we were changing clothes. I was once told that when I started paying bills in the house, I could be in my room with the door closed.
  2. Our parents were always “walking by” or having to PHYSICALLY come in your room when speaking with you about something, while side-eyeing everything in your room (Mom and Dad, you are not SLICK!).
  3. We all sat down and had dinner TOGETHER, as a family (we still do when we come home for visits) and things of the day were discussed.

So, our parents knew our every move, what was in our rooms, where we were going (though I tried that “lie-about-where-you-were-going bit and it BACKFIRED…..never did it again), etc. We also knew that they were our parents and that we should respect them as such.  They reviewed homework, answered questions (if they could…if not, they sent us to those 1962 encyclopedias in the study…LOL).

I said all of that to say this:  YOU SHOULD ALWAYS CHECK YOUR CHILD’S HOMEWORK (see below).

3 Responses to “Parent – Child Relationship”

  1. Regina Says:

    I think your parents and mine attended the same “parenting classes”. No door was closed in our house and friends were not allowed to hang out in your bedroom. My mom had no qualms about going through your purse, bookbag, dresser drawers, etc. I hated it and thought she was the meanest, hardest woman that I had ever met! She was always on top of what we thought we were getting away with.

    I don’t want to be that extreme with my daughters (11 & 8) but I want them to know that I will do what ever is necessary to keep them safe and on track. I let them have friends in their room, but the door is always open!

  2. […] I posted this story/rant earlier this month. Well, I’ll be danged if something else didn’t come up to […]

  3. […] I posted this story/rant earlier this month. Well, I’ll be danged if something else didn’t come up to […]

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