Archive for April, 2008

FAN UP! Geaux, Hornets!

Posted in Uncategorized on 04/30/2008 by magnoliadiva

Ahhhhhhhhhh, Spring in the Deep South

Posted in formal, manners, southern hospitality on 04/15/2008 by magnoliadiva

So, yeah………’d think I was talking about flowers, warm weather and (ah choo) pollen. I’ll give you the flowers, but the warm weather……

WHY IN THE HECK WAS THERE A FREEZE WARNING for Central Mississippi Monday night?? Dude and dudettes, it’s freakin’ April 15th! We’ve had the HEAT on in this house since Saturday (when I arrived)!?! Look, you non-environmentally conscious people, GET IT TOGETHER! You are messing up our planet and contributing to global warming and screwing up the ecosystem!

Back to my lovely magnolia visit, so my Mom and this group of ladies get together every other Tuesday and play bridge. They rotate homes to host and guess who was up today? Yeah, you guessed it………my Mom. They do a full formal lunch and then hit the cards (LOL). I assisted my mother with setting the table (my job for as long as I can remember) and helping serve the ladies.

Of course, one of her formal china pattens was pulled out for use, goblets were rinsed out and hand-dried, and a beautiful flatware pattern was used. Ahhhhhhhhh, being at home can be so renaissance-like! I LOVE a formal table.

That is one of the things I LOVE about being raised in the south. Most entertaining at home is done using formal china, flatware and REAL crystal. It makes a table look COMPLETE and VERY elegant. I know that EVERY holiday that we are home, the formal stuff is pulled out. Every time my mother entertains her bridge club, it’s pulled out. Any time my parents entertain guests, it’s pulled out.

Side note: I found this really NEAT web tool that sets your table for you, if you enter what is being served (the web is so cool!).

Just my mini-rant on one of the many things I LOVE about being a southern girl.