Archive for February, 2008

New Video

Posted in Senator Obama, on 02/29/2008 by magnoliadiva

Justification for the Price of Shoes and Handbags?

Posted in college, cost, designer, handbags, shoes on 02/29/2008 by magnoliadiva

Do you “justify” your purchases or do you just purchase what you like or desire? Do you think about your purchases? Do you do research? I am curious, do you all “justify” how much you spend on an item? I mean, do you spend $500 on a purse, $400 on shoes, or do you spend $20 on shoes and $30 on a bag?

Me? Depends. How, you ask? As you may or may not know, I had foot surgery on both of my feet last year. Even before then, I REALLY paid attention to the construction of shoes, how they felt on my feet, what they were made of, brand (reputation, more than anything), and cost.

I am the type of person that will spend more for quality construction and FREQUENT use of something. If I know that it’s a pair of shoes that I’ll wear at least twice a week, I’m willing to spend a little more on the shoes, if I need to. ESPECIALLY since I’ve had foot surgery (I am NOT trying to see my doctor ever again………for anything other than a hello!).

Well, since my surgery, I’ve been in sneakers and a pair of black Ecco shoes (soft-sided, supportive, etc.). You know, good walking and comfy shoes, especially for those who’ve had or have foot issues. I have orthotics prescribed by my podiatrist that I have to wear and these shoes were perfect.

Dr. Podiatrist said that I could ease back into harder-sided shoes at my own pace and he couldn’t tell me when that was. I have a long scar on each foot that is still healing (it’s closed, but you can see some redness from time to time). Knowing that, I’ve been on the prowl for some mid-heel pumps to ease back in my wardrobe.

I’ve looked, tried on shoes, surfed the web, etc. The scar is at the 45 degree place on the inside edge of both feet. So, MOST pumps are cutting across the scar and we ain’t havin’ that. NEGATIVE. So, I’ve tried on NUMEROUS shoes (I wore between a 10 and 10.5 before the surgery and I am at the same place, now, but mostly 10.5). MOST shoes go from a 10 and JUMP to an 11. So, 10.5 are the HARDEST SIZE in the world to find. MOST 10.5 shoes are designer/$$$ shoes.

Alas, I found the PERFECT shoe/pump for me and they came in 10.5!! They are comfy and have a Nike Air padding at the ball of the shoe (JOY!). This is the most I’ve ever paid for a shoe, BUT, these shoes feel like HEAVEN and they don’t cause me PAIN! They are shoes that I am wearing 2-4 times a week and I can wear them ALL DAY with no issues. That heel isn’t a high as it states because there is a 0.5″ platform so, the heel is about 2.5 inches, which is what I was looking for. I love the shoes because they are comfortable and stylish.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the bag pictured…………..that is a $900 handbag!! Now, as far as handbags………..that’s a doozy right there for me. See, I am still trying to break free of “college-mode”. What is college mode? You know, when all you carried was your ID holder with your ID, DL, some bills folded up (usually 1’s) and your ATM card (debit cards came on the scene in the middle of my college years). Yes, it’s been 14 years and I am STILL learning how to carry a purse. I mean, now, I have a job and a purse is almost needed to carry OTHER crap in.

I do have a couple of handbags that I paid “more than I usually spend on handbags”. BUT, I carry them 75% of the time and they get WORKED OVER on a daily basis! So, for me, the justification is the use I am getting from it and how it’s holding up. The other little bags that sit in my closet (compulsive purchases from the past…….those days are long gone, though), they get carried on occasions (heck, dinner, out with the S.O., etc.).

Senator Barack Obama on 60 Minutes

Posted in Senator Obama on 02/11/2008 by magnoliadiva


Senator Obama’s Town Hall Meeting in Alexandria, VA

Posted in Alexandria, Barack, Remember The Titans, Senator Obama, VOTE on 02/11/2008 by magnoliadiva

POWERFUL speech and VERY good questions asked from the audience. He did an excellent job answering all of them, too.

This is the FIRST TIME in my life that, when I go to the polls, I won’t feel like I am voting between the lesser of two evils. I OPENLY and WHOLE-HEARTEDLY support Senator Obama. This is also, the FIRST TIME that I’ve ever donated money to ANY campaign as well as served as a volunteer (canvassing neighborhoods, phone banks, etc.).

Senator Obama’s Town Hall in Alexandria <——- link to view pictures

The Town Hall Meeting took place at the historic T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia. NOTE: THE REAL Coach Boone was in attendance, too! He came up from Florida! WHOO HOO!!!

There were A LOT more pictures, but I just posted a handful….

4700 people in attendance.

In line at 1030 and the line was already down the street. An hour later, the line LOOPED on King Street and then went EAST waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down King Street. WONDERFUL site!

The crowd was VERY diverse, which I knew was going to happen. I’d wish the MEDIA would stop saying crap like, “Oh, he’ll win XXXXX because there is a heavy african-american population.” Well, MEDIA, explain to me how he CARRIED (in the political sense as well as the DC/MD slang sense) ALL of those mid-western states (Nebraska, Iowa, etc.) as well as others where the black population is slim??? KILL THE NOISE!

Do You Think We Can? I DO!! YES WE CAN!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on 02/07/2008 by magnoliadiva