Archive for 12/06/2007

Incentives for Good Grades

Posted in burger, good grades, McDonalds, parenting, unhealthy on 12/06/2007 by magnoliadiva

When I was in junior high, I asked my Mom and Dad could I get money for grades. For example, $5 for every A, $2 for every B, -$2 for C and below. My Mom laughed in my face and I sat there like looking like, “What is so funny”. I told her that so-and-so’s Mom did it and so-and-so’s Dad did it. You know what came next, right?

Her response?

“One. I am not their parents and TWO, I am not giving you money to do what you are supposed to be doing as a child in this house, anyway.”

YOU KNOW I walked away, head hung down like, “Dang, did she have to go THERE with me?!”. She was right (as always…..).

So now companies are giving away FOOD for good grades………………GREASY, UNHEALTHY food, at that.

Boy, boy, boy…..