You Can "Lunch" On Costco, If You Want To

I have a few friends that aren’t fans of “big box” stores. I, for one, don’t support nor shop at WalMart or Sams. I am becoming a very social conscious consumer. I don’t like WalMart’s practices. I don’t like in where they purchase their items, how they treat their employees, on top of the fact that EVERY TIME I USED to go there looking for something, it was always out of stock. BOOOOOOOOOOO!

WalMart has always “bullied” their vendors into giving them (WalMart, that is) rock bottom prices and stellar services. Hey, I am not mad at their business skills, but at some point, you’ve got to think about HOW you treat people. Money or not. It is so bad that now companies are saying NO to WalMart, too (read here).

They also keep A GREAT majority of their work force at part-time so they won’t have to offer and pay for health benefits.

Enough about them, I LOVE Costco. I don’t like it when it’s crowded, though. You have to know when to go, but I LOVE their selection of EVERYTHING (food, electronics, etc.). They even have my hard-to-find snacks at a lower cost.

Hold on to your horses and brace yourself for this…..I am a woman and I HATE shopping. Yes, you heard that right. I’d rather go in with a list, get what I have to get and be gone. I drive my girlfriends CRAZY with that because they will “shop til they drop” and I’ll be sitting in the front of the store, waiting for them to come out. I just don’t like it. I’d rather spend my time doing something else. Now, I will get on the web, click a few times and be done. Shoot, if Costco offered everything in the store on the web and all (not some, but ALL) the grocery stores delivered, heck I’d probably NEVER leave the house to shop!

Now, “big box” stores have, historically, been known to have 90% of their consumers be a part of the “non-elite” shopper. NOT…… I know differently. I see the clientelle at the Costco in Maryland and Virginia. I came across a great article today in the NY Times that speaks to just that.

Little secret….I love their hot dog (um, this would be a REAL Franks hot dog) and a coke for $1.50! Not the healthiest thing in the world, but every once in a while.

So, ya’ll can “lunch” on Costco if you like…..this is the perfect time of year to hit them up, especially if you entertain. Happy Costco-ing!

One Response to “You Can "Lunch" On Costco, If You Want To”

  1. TNDRHRT Says:

    I love that dang hotdog, too! I’d go there just for the hotdog alone and nothing else. I feel so overwhelmed when I’m in there and I had a list! LOL!

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