Archive for 11/23/2007

bliss softening socks

Posted in Uncategorized on 11/23/2007 by magnoliadiva
bliss softening socks

So, some of you know that I had foot surgery back in the summer. Well, the doctor visits and physical therapy are all over now (YIPEE)!!!


The feet, during this whole, um……..healing process…….were left in a “less than flattering” condition. I mean, I am using Vitamin E oil on the scar, but the rest of the foot…….

Well, I found the Bliss softening socks and foot cream…….I am in love. SERIOUSLY!! My feet feel like a baby’s butt!! NO KIDDING!!! These things are GREAT! My feet look BETTER than they did before the surgery (well, the surgery helped, too). You can get the socks and cream at beauty product insanity store, Sephora.

Here’s to SMOOTH feet….

Smooches!! (via hautemommastuff)