Archive for 11/21/2007


Posted in Uncategorized on 11/21/2007 by magnoliadiva

So, I get this email from a listserv that I am on:

No Angel For Eddie
Last week Mel B and Eddie Murphy’s lawyers met in an LA courtroom to work out child support and visitation rights for their daughter, Angel Iris Murphy. Mel was planning to take Angel to the courthouse to meet Eddie for the first time and was disappointed that he chose not to make a personal appearance and downright furious when the case had to be adjourned for 3 months because Eddie refused to submit a support offer. However, he and his lawyers made one thing abundantly clear. There will be no visitation…PERIOD. Eddie does not want to see Angel..ever.

So then there are comments floating all over the web about, “Oh, how could Eddie do this” and “She framed him!” and “What if she lied to him and he told her he never wanted another baby” and “He is just trife”….yadda yadda yadda…..

We can ALL sit back and look at this with whatever eye we want to, but, again, WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE?!

My opinion? Let’s be clear a few things:

Now, I have thought from DAY ONE that, if this was Eddie’s child, Eddie was a chump for bailing out and not claiming this child. Point #1: If he never wanted another child, he should have never slept with her, PERIOD!! No ifs, ands, buts, huhs, or whatever else!

Point #2: Ms. Tracey Edmonds………WHY would you want to be with a man that won’t even claim his own child……..

Point #3: Whether Mel B. “framed” him or not, WE ALL know the possible outcomes when a person sleeps with someone, protected or not. If a person is not ready to handle ALL possible consequences when you sleep with someone (disease, pregnancy, sickness, etc.), GET UP and MOVE ABOUT YOUR DAY……..FOR REAL!

Let’s be real, people. I am sick and tired of men saying, “She said she was on XXXXX” and/or the woman saying, “I don’t know what happened……..”. As ADULTS, this is part of life. Everything you do has a number of possible outcomes. If you can’t handle that ).000001% chance, don’t do it………..geez…….

It really is THAT SIMPLE.