Archive for August, 2007

Attention All Mount Vernon High School Fans – Alexandria

Posted in Alexandria, Fox5DC, Mount Vernon on 08/30/2007 by magnoliadiva

Attention All Mount Vernon Fans!!

Friday night’s T.C. Williams vs. Mount Vernon football game is up for consideration for this week’s Fox 5 Game of the Week, and you can help us get selected.

All you have to do is go to the Fox 5 website at, click on SPORTS, and then High School Game of the Week and vote.

If Mt. Vernon is selected, Fox 5 will bring a camera crew to the game to the campus to interview coaches and players, and tape highlights of the game and the band and cheerleaders. Voting ends Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. The game that receives the most votes will be announced on Fox 5 News at Midday on Thursday at 11a.m.

So, go ahead and vote. Thanks for your support!


Marriage vs Divorce

Posted in divorce, marriage on 08/19/2007 by magnoliadiva

I am not an advocate of divorce, unless there is consistent infidelity and/or abuse.

BUT, should a person continue to “live a lie” in a marriage that should have never been consummated in the first place?

Does society place too much emphasis on “frontin” (the big houses, nice cars, big rings, designer clothes, etc.) vs making their marriage work/last?

Should a person be able to ask any question they want to and get an answer from their mate without the feeling of persecuted/belittled?

Are people too concerned with what goes on in their beds and not placing emphasis of what’s going on in their heads?

Do couples, nowadays, place more emphasis on making their kids happy (i.e., being their child’s friend) and not paying enough attention to their mate?

These are LOADED questions.

Wedding Etiquette Post #1

Posted in etiquette, registry, wedding on 08/17/2007 by magnoliadiva

Um, YA’LL, it is TACKY, T-A-C-K-Y, to put registry information ANYWHERE in your invitation. I don’t care if Bed, Bath and Beyond and whoever sent you 500 cards for free to include in your invitation. They are looking to make MONEY and could care less about manners and etiquette.

If your inserts don’t pertain to the wedding, reception, accommodations or travel information, LEAVE THEM OUT!

These little cards are only acceptable for SHOWER invitations. You may include registry information on your website or via word of mouth, but including them in your invitations are not cool…..tsk tsk tsk……

I LOVE my new dentist!

Posted in dentist, medspa, spa, teeth on 08/17/2007 by magnoliadiva

So, I am able to do SOME driving, but very little. I drove myself to the dentist today. See, I’ve had a few horror stories with dentists since I moved to the area. Long story short, THEY ALL tried to get me for MORE MONEY. Mind you, this is coming from the person with her FIRST, SMALL cavity in her LIFE 4 years ago and who brushes and FLOSSES, EVERY DAY!!! So, what could you POSSIBLY be asking me to pay for?! My teeth are not jacked up!

Well, I went to a new dentist today, Dr. Alex Naini. I’m hooked. I LOVE HER! This was the most THOROUGH dental cleaning and set of x-rays I’ve ever had. AND, the x-rays were processed to view on the COMPUTER, not waiting on x-ray film to process. There were also pictures taken of my teeth with this toothbrush-looking thing and they were SO CLEAR! WOW! I saw so much detail of my teeth! It was GREAT.

Oh, here is the kicker……..I was given a paraffin wax treatment for my hands while the x-rays were being done AND a light neck, head and shoulder massage before my cleaning. Can you say, HEAVEN?! The staff was SO cordial and professional.

So, if you live in the DC/MD/Northern VA area, give Dr. Naini a try.

Two Words – HEY, FOOL!!!

Posted in dummy, lottery, stupid on 08/11/2007 by magnoliadiva

I KNOW you are mad at yourself, lady! DANG!!!

Making Healthy Choices

Posted in colitis, health, IBD, Monterey, prednisone, Seafood Watch on 08/10/2007 by magnoliadiva

In the past few years, I’ve made conscious choices in my eating. It all started when I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in January 2003. Part of my initial treatment was being put on prednisone. During the first 6 months of my treatment on this drug, I gained 65 pounds, and that was with proper diet and exercise. I was also told that the weight I gained with the steroids would be harder to lose than normal “overeating” weight gain. During this extreme weight gain, I developed additional health problems such as “moon face” (common physical side effect of prednisone), high blood pressure and was border-line having steroid-induced diabetes. I was put on a liquid diet for 1.5 months because the drugs were making my weight go out of control and my health was deteriorating faster with the side effects of the drug than my actual condition it was treating. The liquid diet did help, some, but my stomach didn’t like it and I had to be taken off of it. After almost 2 years on and off prednisone, I was titrated off it. At my heaviest, I was 295 pounds and sicker than I’d ever been. After the liquid diet, I was 285, where my weight stood for a long while.

I began seeing a new gastroenterologist who specialized in African-Americans with IBD. One of the FIRST things he suggested was stay away from processed foods and eat organic meats as much as possible. This was due to the antibiotics and steroids that are fed to the animals could trigger future flare-ups with my condition.

Another suggestion from my doctor was to increase my intake of omega-3 fatty acids due to their anti-inflammatory traits. I truly believe these actions have helped my condition remain in remission since 2005.

Call me Miss Tree Hugger, but I am also anally aware about the fish I eat, now. I visited the Monterey Aquarium in 2004 and was able to learn and read about how various fish are farmed, caught, etc. The aquarium has a WONDERFUL educational program called Seafood Watch. It is a program designed to raise consumer awareness about the importance of buying seafood from sustainable sources. I often go to the site and print out a pocket guide on which fish to eat, avoid, etc. The guide is updated often.

For instance, since that visit to the aquarium, I will only purchase and eat WILD SALMON. The taste, texture and cost (yes, it does cost a little more) are TOTALLY different than farmed salmon. I ask restaurants where their fish is from or caught. I ask grocery stores the same thing (though it’s SUPPOSED to be printed on the label).

Today, I am 265 pounds. Yes, that is still very heavy, but at least now, I am able to lose weight. My goal is 145 (I am 5’10” and this was my weight throughout high school and my first 2 years of college). I’ve never been a small/skinny woman and don’t ever plan on being one. This weight is an attainable one. I’ve been exercising (though foot surgery has put that on HALT for right now, except for floor-based pilates). So, I am just happy that my body is getting back to some normalcy.

I said all that to say that I hope that you all take a moment and visit the Monterey Aquarium’s website and read about the Seafood Watch program. You, too, may begin to make healthy choices…You only have one body. Let’s take care of it.

Here’s to a healthy lifestyle for us all………CHEERS!