Racism on the Runway….gee, what’s new..

Um, I read a wonderful post on I Like Her Style‘s blog about YSL…Here is the link to her post about it.

Um, you all read the full article and then let me know what you think about his “view” of black models….

One Response to “Racism on the Runway….gee, what’s new..”

  1. Excuses, excuses, excuses. I saw a bit of this on that show Project Runway. They made it out that the white models were easier to work with because they had slighter dimensions. It doesn’t make sense to me because if you are supposed to be a CLOTHING DESIGNER, you should know how to tailor clothes to various body types. Waif is not normal! Skinny folks should catch hell finding clothes because they are in the minority! No beautiful women in the right proportions? You got to be kidding me…. This is bad as the skin color argument I had with a supposedly college educated associate. He told me that it was hard to find a beautiful dark skinned woman. The boob tube has really brainwashed some of us. And I agree: It is nothing new.

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