Incompetence and Selfishness are what make the world go ’round

Let’s see…..where should I start with THIS one…..

1. A dangerously infected man managed to get through U.S. Customs and Border Protection even though his passport had been flagged in their computer system. I want to hear another reason other than he LOOKED like he wasn’t sick. I really don’t want to say this, but had he been a man of another race, his monkey-butt would have been RIGHT HERE in the US and would have never been allowed out!!

2. “I feel awful,” he said, speaking through a mask from his hospital room in Denver, Colorado. “I’ve lived in this state of constant fear and anxiety for a week now, and to think that someone else now is feeling that, I wouldn’t want anyone to feel that way.” Dude, quit lying! You are SELFISH and you SHOULD feel awful. You have now officially put HUNDREDS of lives in jeopardy because your own selfish-ness. One time, okay MAYBE we’ll let you slide, but more than that? Come on, dude……dish that lie to someone who LOOKS like they believe you (yeah, I said it).

3. “I don’t expect those people to ever forgive me. I just hope they understand that I truly never meant them any harm.” LIE LIE LIE!! You KNEW what you had and KNEW that it was contagious. The mere fact that you were quarantined and were able to walk around freely is a selfish act, within itself….next…

4. The border agent who processed Speaker’s entry on May 24 has been placed on administrative duties. FIRE that person! I am so SICK of incompetence that costs the rest of us the “comfort” that we are SUPPOSED to be afforded by paying taxes that go towards paying these folks to do a job!

5. Speaker, whom the newspaper did not identify, said he was aware he was placed on a no-fly list in the United States after his diagnosis with XDR TB, which is why he decided not to fly into a U.S. airport. Again, so the punk KNEW he had TB and tried to skirt the system…..COWARD!

6. Speaker’s treatment would likely cost $250,000 to $350,000, depending on whether he needs surgery. I HOPE this comes out of HIS POCKET and his insurance does NOT cover it! Complete NEGLECT should not be covered by insurance that we ALL share the premiums for! YEAH, I said it!

7. A spokesman for Denver’s National Jewish Medical and Research Center said Speaker was wearing a mask and was escorted by federal marshals when he arrived, but seemed normal otherwise. “He looked kind of like you guys, more or less,” spokesman William Allstetter told reporters. Looked like WHO? Oh, I get it. As long as we LOOK a certain way, we get different treatment in life…..right right…. I remember reading and experiencing something like that before….. whatever…

8. Patient considered at low risk of infecting others, doctor says. It’s called C.Y.A…….and you KNOW what that stands for!

9 Responses to “Incompetence and Selfishness are what make the world go ’round”

  1. He should be shipped to Guatanemo and treated as a domestic terrorist. How can you go on a honeymoon.. (ie. with your WIFE) knowing you are infected with TB? Wouldn’t common sense tell him to sit his tail down somewhere?

  2. John from Grand Haven, MI Says:

    do you think he learned this behavior at his weekly Young Republicans meetings?

  3. aquababie Says:

    after he gets better, they should let the passengers line up and kick his butt!

  4. Virtuous Says:

    All what you say is the truth!!

    But common on now…can you really be surprised at them being judgemental & biased based on this guy’s “all American you must be white=right look”? Didn’t shock me the least bit!

    The irony of it all….his stepfather works for CDC specializing in TB!!!!

  5. Tamala Says:

    What’s even more strange is that his father works for CDC and works with this particular strain of TB…I smell a rat!

  6. CreoleInDC Says:

    If this were in a movie…the father-in-law woulda injected him with it while he was sleep on the sofa. ROFL!

  7. Christine Says:

    Girl you ain’t never lied!!! When I saw his pic on Yahoo, I was like yeah they was going to let him through because he looked “normal”. You and me they would have called out a hazmat team and dragged our azzes out of the airport and chained us to a hospital bed somewhere.

  8. Aziza Says:

    The more information that leaks out seems to suggest that this man was just hellbent on going on his honeymoon in Europe. To heck with everybody else. Inconsiderate folks get on my nerves.

  9. dcsavvystar Says:

    i really really really don’t know what this guy was thinking. but he claims that he was told AFTER he got on the flight. who knows. i just think he wanted to be on his honeymoon too.

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