Yeah, I’m back from Cancun (can you say HOT?!) GEEEEEEEZ!! I grew up in Mississippi and dealt with heat and humidity, but DANG, it was HOT in Cancun!!! HOT (did I tell ya’ll it was hot)?! HOT!! It was hot in the SHADE!!!!

Um, typically, I don’t care much for commercialized type places on vacation (like, I really don’t want to see a McDonalds, etc., when I go on my “typical” vacations (Alanna knows what I am talking about). Cancun was very commercialized. It was a cool trip, though.

Had fun. Relaxed, took TOO many pictures, got sunburned on my shoulders and chest (YES, MOM, I used sunscreen and reapplied it, but I am convinced that those parts burn easier). Later, taters…..

3 Responses to “BACK!”

  1. CreoleInDC Says:

    Ooooooooooh! Me wanna see pics! I bet yall had a GRAND time!

  2. I knew you had to be up to something, since you haven’t updated in a while. I guess I will wait for the pictures?

  3. Southern_Lady Says:

    Sounds fun! One of these days I will take a decent vacay. I agree–bring on the pics so I can live vicariously.

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