Archive for 03/18/2007

It’s on…4 pounds down and 138 to go!

Posted in exercise, health, weight loss on 03/18/2007 by magnoliadiva

Oh, yeah, ya’ll!!! My boyfriend and I have a challenge that we are going to lose 10 pounds a month for 12 months, starting TOMORROW…..we’ll, unintentionally, I lost 4 pounds last week!!! I know it’s mostly water weight, but it’s a START!!! GO, MAGNOLIADIVA!!! I am not a bad eater (I eat smaller meals throughout the day, NEVER have a problem drinking water, watch my fat and sodium intake, etc.), but I have the metabolism where I HAVE to exercise!

I was on steroids (prednisone) for about a year and a half, off and on, and that BALLOONED by weight to levels where they’d never been before. Before I was put on the prednisone, I had lost 16 pounds. Once I started taking the meds, I gained the 16 pounds PLUS 45 pounds in 6 months! Yes, I was exercising and eating right! Well, to make a long story short, I finally came off of the meds and could NOT lose weight for the longest. Then, about a year ago, I was able to start losing weight. Well, I was doing fine until work REALLY picked up and I began working 10-14 hour days…..not cool. Gained 10 pounds.

Oh, before then, when I was in college, I gained 20 pounds a year for the last 3 of my 5 years and then gained 20 pounds my first year in grad school……then slowly, gained 10 pounds over the next few years. Never lost the weight during that time UNTIL the end of 2002…..then, the P-WORD happened to me…..

Well, it’s the beginning of March and I don’t care WHAT takes place now……I am walking 5-6 days a week for AT LEAST 30 minutes (um, I have a treadmill in my house…..yeah, I know)….going to do push ups, lunges, squats, and sit-ups, every other day (yeah, I have a fitness ball, barbells and a bar w/weights…..yeah, I know….. no excuse, really)…

I have a few things that I’d like to get back into (my size 14 jeans from freshman year of college and my cheerleader skirt from high school)! Yeah, I still have them for that REASON!!! 🙂

So, I am SO happy that this is a start! It’s ON, NOW!!! WHOO HOO!!!

So, what are your healthy habits, goals, success stories, etc.? I’d love to hear about them!